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Decontamination Kits

Dealing with Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) attacks is an increasing priority for the military, security forces and paramedics around the world. The moment personnel are exposed to hazardous chemical contamination they need fast, effective decontamination to save their own lives and limit the spread of contaminants.

PelGar’s decontamination products can be used for any CBRN incident, including VX nerve agents, and provide decontamination by immediate physical absorption of chemical and bodily fluid contaminants from surfaces, skin, clothing, footwear, vehicles and equipment. The products can be deployed in under ten seconds, are non-flammable and can be used on open wounds.

PelGar’s NATO registered decontamination products are an essential part of military equipment that have been tried, trusted and used for over 50 years.


PelGar’s CBRN kits are NATO and UK Home Office approved and are used throughout the world by the military and emergency services. FE Technical contains Calcium Montmorrillonite in a 500g shaker pot.